Chapter 7
Bought the Shirt but Didn’t Take the Hike


Cattle Tank BLM land

Cattle Tank disbursed camping area is our favorite BLM land we visited. It looks like God personally landscaped the area with a perfect mixture of cactus types and spacing.

Beauty at sunset

We enjoyed the views at sunset, and heard coyotes howling on the mountain nearby.

Picacho Peak

Picacho Peak can be seen for miles in every direction. It is the quintessential looking southwestern peak, to me.

Perfect mixture

Just the perfect mix of cactus types. But don’t touch! The needles are so sharp that they even stuck in our truck tires and had to be removed with a pair of plyers.

Great views from every angle

Don’t touch the Teddy Bear Cholla!

Mountain in the distance

The view was so beautiful as far as you could see…

Picacho Peak from a different angle

It was so great to see Picacho Peak from this perspective.

Sunset in the desert

Sunset turned the mountains pink, and the cholla a soft white.

More sunset pics

Cacti on the horizon

So many cactii to enjoy.

Saguaro at sunset

Really enjoyed all the shapes and sizes of the cactus in our view.


Chapter 6 On Texas Time


Chapter 8 A Coat is Not Just a Coat