Chapter 6
Hiding in Plain Sight


New Mexico welcomed us

This cactus stood guard for us next to the door of our camper.


A hidden New Mexico gem

The multi-colored rocks shone in the sun, and the formations surprised us at every turn.

Towering beauty

This canyon hadn’t been on our radar, but we were so glad we came across it.

Pink rocks and craggy places

The fading sun turned the cliffs pink, while the twisted tree branches framed our view.

Yellow lichen added interest

The patches of yellow lichen added interest to the already beautiful view.

Like a sentinel

This giant rock grouping stood like a sentinel against the clear blue sky.

New Mexico campsite view

The view from the rear of our campsite was magnificent at sunset. We were truly alone in this desert spot.

A humorous distraction

Someone along the drive toward the canyon had a little fun with some old propane tanks.

Blooming in the desert

A sign of life to enjoy.


Chapter 5 Hiding in Plain Sight


Chapter 7 Bought the Shirt but Didn’t Take the Hike